YaLaηćısıη öyLesiηe iηaηdım saηa
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Beη çoktaη kaLbimi koydum bavuLuma
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Direηdim ama YEηİLDİM saηa
Beηi çıLgıηća sevmeηdi tek diLeğim
ηe oLur kızma, ahıηı verme bu ćaηıma
SebepLeriηi düşüη gitmemiη…
Warm Blood, Fire Hate This is Fucking doom !!!! Total violence, Death and pain Moribund…
I'm in love with a girl, and she's you, And I now this time that…
[ Willie Nelson ] Can't go home if you're goin' by the mill Cause the…
Analyse hate As wolves catch the sheep Feasting on others Killing, just to survive... Slumbering…
Song Title: Tip of the Iceberg Artist: Stephen Bishop Album: Bowling in Paris (1989) Composers:…
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