Someone turn the time on
Another day, dead and gone
A lifetime is slippin’ away, babe
But as far as I can see
That doesn’t apply to you and me
We are high above the family tree
Hidden in the deep blue sea
Industry on parade
Punch a clock 9-to-5
But beginning is beginning to fade away
Ah, but look out from now on, baby
As far as the eye can see
Unafraid to be free
Shinin’ on the silver sea
You and me, we got to be movin’
Pickin’ up, carry on
Lead you children right on
Carry on, carry on
Heaven knows I love you
Don’t you know that it’s true yourself
Looks like you and me baby
Dancin’ by the shinin’ sea
Innertube sunset With a kiss and a cigarette You're better than any midnight sex I…
Bir Fındığın İçini Yar Senden Ayrı Yemem Bugün Gördüm Yarimi Ölürsem De Gam Yemem Aldır…
You must be happy with yourself Think you're so much better than me Why do…
By the ocean I sat down one day Saw my life the other way All…
Şimdi gir Anlat ey günahkar kağıda sırrı damlat bugün konuşma sus bugün içinde patlat o…
beni bırakıp gittiğin o günü hatırlatayım istersen buz gibi soğuk bi kış günüydü sen çekip…
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