Neun Uhr abends
Stimme aus dem Radio
Likör von letzter Nacht
Ein paar Socken auf dem Tisch
Insekten unter dem Teppich
Ein Riss in der Wand
Alles ist enthüllt
Alles ist enthüllt
Ein Auge von nebenan
Sieht uns entblößt
Alles ist enthüllt
Alles ist enthüllt
There is a
Knife on the table
A song on the radio
Swift breeze on the window
Eyes on the wall
They seize us
They seize us
Sardı korkular gelecek yıllar Düşündüm sensiz nasıl yaşanacaklar Gözlerimde canlanıcak yaptığın haksızlıklar Herşey bambaşka olacak…
Could this be true Could this be me The one who kept himself so high…
Darlin as i look at you.. reminds me of how much i am.. oh im…
Saw the wave hit the shore Saw it clear, like I never had before It…
They've passed me by, many years, And I did turn well away. To give and…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
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