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Tutuldum deli gibi
Ne yer, ne gökteyim
Köle oldum bak sonunda
Allahım sen koru bu kulunu
Bilemedim yalancı huyunu
Göremem şimdi yolunu
Hayıra yor benim sonumu
Into my heart, into my heart Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today,…
The day is ending And the same old pain begins Each deeper shade of blue…
Kalemi ver bana sonra yok ol bulandı beynim nerede sağ ve sol . Nakarat :…
When I woke up today and you weren't there to play then I wanted to…
Earth angel Earth angel will u be mine my darling dear, love you all the…
( Rossi / Parfitt / Frost ) I don't care what you say to me…
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