I supposed I ought to say congratulations for you’ve won the only girl I ever loved
But I’ve hurt too much to face the situation
Just take good care of her take good care of her
Just to be around her was my greatest pleasure
She was everything my future held in store
So remember when you take my only treasure
Please take good care of her take good care of her
I must accepted she loves you more than me
So with my broken heart I’ll bow out gracefuly
Please don’t send me any wedding invitations
For I couldn’t dare to see her there with you
If she’s happy that will be my consolation
So take good care of her take good care of her
Feel it stabbing in the air You talk to me of reasons Why you don't…
Face Club, pal I stepped to the urinal I went and fished with my fly…
He has raised the draw-bridge above the moat He has locked and bolted all doors…
Walking by your house, and reeking of the drinks I've had My life is just…
(Falco/R. Ponger/Bill Bowersock) Check it out, Joe I'll tell you a secret If you know…
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