Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Iris Dement – There’s a Wall in Washington

There’s a wall in Washington

and it’s made of cold black granite

They say 60,000 names are etched there in it

in that wall in Washington

A father, he traveled from far away

to walk the path ’til he finds that name

He reaches his hand up and traces each letter

The tears they fall as his memories gather

for the boy who filled his heart with pride

is now but a name that’s been etched

in the side of this wall in Washington

A mother she traveled from far away

to walk the path ’til she finds that name

She reaches her hand up and traces each letter

The tears they fall as her memories gather

She feels the baby at her breast

but her heart it breaks because all that is left

is this wall in Washington

A boy, he traveled from far away

to walk the path ’til he finds that name

He reaches his hand up and traces each letter

He stares at the name of his unknown father

His heart is young and it’s filled with pain

in anger he cries out

“Who is to blame for this wall in Washington

that’s made of cold black granite?

Why is my father’s name etched here in it

in this wall in Washington?”


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