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Cansuyum, seni sevmekti suçum
Dönüşü yok yok bunun geri
İhanet er geç ödenmeli
Sen de yaz bunu yaz da gör bedelini
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Yetişin a dostlar yetti bu inat
Aşkını soyle aşkını soyle bana Aşkını soyle aşkını soyle bana Altın gümüş istemem Kürküm bile…
Count every rain drop in a thunderstorm count every wave upon the shore I love…
Well she thinks she's looking so cool She thinks she's great but she's just a…
Speed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing, Onward, the sailors cry Carry the…
"Bon Voyage" And promptly he hung up the phone There was a doorbell ringing So…
Father, hear my prayer I need the perfect words Words that he will hear And…
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