Rock rock rock rock rock & roll queer bar
Don´t care about heterosexuality
Rock, rock, rock & roll queer bar
That´s not what i want to be
Rock rock, rock & roll queer bar
I just wanna have some kicks
I just wanna get some dicks
Rock rock rock rock rock & roll queer bar
Well the boys out there knock me out you know
Rock rock, rock & roll queer bar
Cruisin´around for a cute homo
Rock rock, rock & roll queer bar
I hate the yuppies and the sweater queens
In their overpriced cars and acid wash jeans
Rock rock rock rock, rock & roll queer bar
If I could just hold you now If I could just feel you now I…
Aşkımız yetmedi ayrılık gücüne Kıyamet gününe gelmişiz sanki Bizi sarhoş eden ümitler varya Bir kırık…
Deep in the dead of the night, silhouettoes on my window, why? I guess I…
Into my heart, into my heart Come into my heart, Lord Jesus Come in today,…
The day is ending And the same old pain begins Each deeper shade of blue…
Kalemi ver bana sonra yok ol bulandı beynim nerede sağ ve sol . Nakarat :…
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