N’olur hey gelin n’olur
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Gözüne uyku mu gelir
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Yardan ayrı düşeli Geçmiyor günler Hastadır garib gönlüm Durmadan inler inler Hastadır garib gönlüm Durmadan…
She's never afraid of what her past had might become Alone in her lazy time…
tastes so fucking good tastes so fucking good tastes so fucking good tastes so fucking…
Beyaz giyme Toz olur, Siyah giyme Söz olur. Gel beraber gezelim, Muradimiz tez olur. Salinada…
Sometimes I like to be alone (x2) But when I hear your voice I don't…
I feel nervous and I don't know why, but all I had to do is…
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