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Kalbimde sen yaşadıkça
Başarılar gelir geçer
Asaletin bize yeter
Deplasmanda Samiyen’de
UltrAslan hep seninle
This one's for the lonely The ones that seek and find Only to be let…
A shapeless form A mindless soul Senseless with no control Eyes so closed A heart…
[Chorus] I love ya Miss Mary I love ya Miss Mary I love ya Miss…
The other day I walked out on the street I happened to see A pretty…
(Mark D. Sanders/Barry Tashian) Hey heart I'm falling in love The writing's on the wall…
Hüseynik"ten çiktim seher yoluna Can agrisi tesir etti koluma Yaradanim merhamet et kuluna Yazik oldu…
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