They say you’ll go to hell
If you get baked
The things we know so well
Are never faked
I’ve walked some different lines
And they’re on loan
And after all I’ve heard
I miss her moan
Your life is not your own
You’re just hanging out in flesh and bone
All our days are numbered
It’s an age-old spell I’ve been under
You think that when you move
You’re starting fresh
See all the things you hate
Up close in the flesh
I’ve walked some different lines
And never borrowed
But after all I’ve heard
I miss her moan
My bag of flesh and blood
Will just get buried in the mud
Your life is not your own
You’re just hanging out in flesh and bone
All our days are numbered
It’s an age-old spell I’ve been under
All our days are numbered
It’s an age-old spell we’ve been under
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