I never thought
that you would leave me
You’d always be by my side
You’d never walk away from me
But then one day I still remember
Just like it was yesterday
You told me now it’s over
And through the clouds,
on a rainy day
I see your face
Always close yet so far away
And now my days,
are without meaning
I wake up with dreams of you
Just emptiness tomorrow brings,
just emptiness
And through the clouds
on a rainy day,
I see your face
Always close yet so far away
It’s tearing me apart
And through the clouds,
on a rainy day
I call your name
Always close yet so far away
And as the days go by
I slowly break down and cry
Who can take the sunlight, sprinkle it with dew Cover it with chocolate and a…
Some days I need to change my world One desire fills this empty void Tonight…
Biliyorum bu kadarmış ömrüm Sağım solum önüm ardım bu kadar Ne bir adresim kalacak Nede…
Sen ağlama ben olurum üzülen Sevgi dolu bakışından ezilen Gözlerinden yağmur gibi süzülen Tek bir…
Now I know, this is the end, the monster is here, with us. Yes I…
kölecesine, ölecesine, yaşam acımasız delicesine nesine gore kıymet kimine rehine kimine yoktan yere saygı onun…
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