It’s not like you said it was
Nothing like you said it was
It’s a dirty old place and I can’t go back
It’s not like you said it was
Nothing like you said it was
I’ve been misused and I can’t go back
It’s a dirty old place and it’s full of lies
And I can’t see a thing through virgin’s eyes
It’s a dirty old place and it’s full of lies
And I’m still seeing through virgin’s eyes
Tonight and I can’t go back and I can’t go back
I had a young boy’s dream
But I can plainly see
It’s a filthy world and I can’t go back
Now I can’t go back
Now I can’t go back
I’ve been misused and I can’t go back
Everybody here is out to get me
Or at least that’s how it seems to me
Everybody here is laughing at me
But now I know my weakness is my strength
And I want to go back and I can’t go back
When you're standing alone with the mountains and the sea Where the arms of the…
They're 5 miles high as the crow flies leavin' vapour trails against a blood red…
Hello? Can you hear me? Am I getting through to you? Hello Is it late…
The conflict has been fierce from the start. Too many people a lot of brain…
Erkilet güzeli bağlar bozuyor Kirpikleri kalem olmuş yazıyor Tek tek basaraktan bade süzerekten İnci dizerekten…
There's no winning, after all, who's the true victor when only death remains? Anyway, let's…
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