Music & Lyrics by Suzanne Vega
My favorite plum
hangs so far from me
See how it sleeps
and hear how it calls to me
See how the flesh
presses the skin,
It must be bursting
with secrets within,
I’ve seen the rest, yes
and that is the one for me
See how it shines
it will be so sweet
I’ve been so dry
it would make my heart complete
See how it lays
languid and slow
Never noticing
me here below
I’ve seen the best, yes
and that is the one for me
Maybe a girl will take it
Maybe a boy will steal it
Maybe a shake of the bough
will wake it and make it fall
My favorite plum
lies in wait for me
I’ll be right here
longing endlessly
You’ll say that I’m
foolish to trust
But it will be mine
and I know that it must
cause I’ve had the rest, yes
and that is the one for me
I’ve seen the best, yes
and that is the one for me
Hail Mary mother of God Never False religion man made religion you will die by…
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Tiger eyes Just as wild as you make me feel Tantalize Make my designs hard…
[sound clip: I hope you like these tunes that I?ve chosen to do for ya…
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I don't have a lot to give This broken world can make it hard to…
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