Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Comecon – The Dog Days

hooray-let’s go

all gods of iron must suffer corrosion

there is but one truth so no pairs can thrive

fear of damnation – preserve what is pure

mom & dad: implosion

they are a couple so which one must die?

under his eyes, under the

shadow of the gods of reason

under his wings, he looks all

flowers but he’s reared by owls

my hands; can’t say

which is the owl and which is of god

black wings: red-lead

paint my arm; they must know there’s but one

formaldehyde bath

all gods of flesh do smell in the dogdays

their flesh is one; I can’t meet their eyes

fear of damnation preserves the deformed

breaks; don’t move

– we hunt like rats but we die as mice

under his eyes, under the

shadow of the gods of reason

under his wings, he looks all

flowers but he’s reared by owls

close eye

paint it black, they must know there’s but one

don’t sleep

when darkness comes he splits them and hunt

under his eyes, under the

shadow of the gods of reason

under his wings, he looks all

flowers but he’s reared by owls

and in my ears the consonants of

death crushing all objections

and in my claws the lost faith

coming home


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