from East Asheville Hardware
When you love somebody and they dick you around
Doesn’t that really suck
When you love somebody and they dick you around
Doesn’t that really suck
I was drivin’ ‘n’ cryin’
I was tryin’ to see
I almost ran down some schoolkids
Walkin’ in front of me.
I had my head out the window
‘Cause I was tryin’ to explain.
But I just yelled out my wisdom
Like a man in shame.
We were messy into mango.
It was sticking in our teeth.
It was too ripe for waiting.
It was juicy and sweet.
Succulent sensation,
You said it was the best.
But you left me in the mornin’
With that sticky mess
©1995 Midnight Ocean Bonfire Music/Nine-Ten Music,
a division of Soroka Music Ltd. (BMI)
All Rights Reserved/International Copyright Secured
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