(Traditional – Arr. GBS)
CHORUS: Way hey and away we go
Donkey ridin’, donkey ridin’
Way hey and away we go
Riding on a donkey.
Was you ever in Quebec
Launching timber on the deck?
Where ya break yer bleedin’ neck
Ridin’ on a donkey!
Was you ever ’round Cape Horn
Where the weather’s never warm?
Wished to God you’d never been born
Ridin’ on a donkey.
Was you ever in Miramichi
Where ye tie up to a tree,
Have the girls sit on yer knee?
Ridin’ on a donkey
~Music Break~
Was you ever in Fortune Bay
See hear the girls all shout, “Hooray!”?
“Here comes dad with ten months pay
Ridin’ on a donkey.”
Was you ever in London Town
See the King he does come down?
See the King in his golden crown
Ridin’ on a donkey
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