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Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli
Aman Amman Civanım Ben Yandım
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Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli
Aman Amman Civanım Ben Yandım
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Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli Ya Lelli
Aman Amman Civanım Ben Yandım
Ne yani, hep sen mi haklısın yabancı? Tek bir sonuç çıkmaz ille, belki de çift…
It´s the sandwich of love, one below and one above In the sandwich of love,…
The time's upon us, it's time to part I'll be leaving now, but without my…
I guess you'll find a reason to walk out on me I guess in time…
As it spun around and around, I thought to myself this is quite amazing Perhaps…
Benim ilgilerim daha farklı bi bölgede Gök geri dönünce kalırsın gölgede Çünkü şehir o anda…
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