Denominations of a thousand
Different deities
Congregations, endless carnivals of gaiety
Why should i fear? why should i cling on to anything?
it’s not how long long i live but how beautiful it is
And i saw crying. there was turmoil in the marketplace
I saw economies perpetuate the next arms race
And i felt helpless and there was nothing i could say
And then i noticed there’s a change
That’s coming over me
Tapping into the aeon
Balance of the eco-system,
Self-reliance beckons us
Windmills and waterfalls, strawberries and lily ponds
When skyscrapers no longer block the sun’s meridian
When we wake up to the whisper of the voice
Tapping into the aeon
she had a Nova that was tinted green he took a Greyhound that was a…
I was lookin' back on faded dreams from yesturday Like a brush from my past…
Serving king nor queen Living under no law except our own Fighting to revenge our…
İçimde özlemin bitmeden daha Gönlümü kedere bırakıp gitti Ne hoşçakal dedi nede elveda Yabancılar gibi…
içimde nedenini bilmediğim bir kırılganlık söz konusu dilimde söylemek istediğim üstümden çıkmıyor teninin kokusu sen…
She's my baby. She is a Raygun Kissing my spaceship. Kill me for fun fun…
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