a limitation to utilization…my vanish
is desenvatet by semblance…of banish
struggle for fatal strength shall rise
my vanity is just usurpation through violation
concealed to descent
it’s my time to fly through born horizons
bells chime
born in flesh
…pray for mystery
it’s the revelation
my throne of elevation
you my god…the life gets my thoughts
you my god…give my reincarnation
you mygod…take me to the garden of origin
you my god…of upcoming downfall
with my hands i can feel eternity
went to empty skies to assume the history of eternity
consumed genocide made this part
mightiest apocalypse rise !
sound of invisible time
sing last souls’ songs
get the speech of my repertory
i came to live
avoid secret vanity
just heard the burden of wrath
colours of selection to renew
struggle of fatal strength shall rise
my vanity is just usurpation
through violation…
Yağmur karıştı Gözyaşlarıma Üşüdüm sarındım Yalnızlığıma Gurbet çok garip Hasret bir alem Anlatamam Bu duyguyu…
karadeniz sardı dört bir yanumizi bu sevdaluk alacak canımizu karadenizin hırçın dalğasini durduramaz ha bu…
I feel so bad, I gotta worried mind I'm so lonesome all the time Since…
I love my woman, And she loves me. Together we are, Destiny.
In a course of flight decided the lairs source from out of hiding Across the…
I once had a friend They found him in a car A hose to the…
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