We got no security
But nothings certain anyway
Got to live from day to day – okay
Dedications absolute
Here we are the living proof
Face to face to tell the truth to you
We came, we saw
We’re ready and we’re back for more
Join hands and stand
Together one for all
They steal our creativity
Sentence us to poverty
It’s legal daylight robbery you see
The page was written long ago
A script for life
A minor role
still we got time to take control, I know…
You got me like that, you're what I'm craving you got me like that, you…
Bir ormanda tutup onu Bağladılar ağaca Yumdu sanki uyur gibi Gözlerini usulca Bir soğuk yel…
If I could, I would tell you why The first time I saw her I…
Keep yourself alive, take all your time and you will survive mindless you say? but…
In this dawn I can see: angels are falling; In this dawn I can see:…
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