Hollywood cops
shoot each other in bed
and I wouldn’t go to see ’em
they put the checkbook to my head
Tinkertown liquors
emperor’s checkers
some shit on the needle
like your record
The fifth grippin’ weak
an absolute must
one of the years
best ain’t say’in much
throw’in us trunks/drunk
as we’re starting to drown
we’re all shook down
all shook down
shook down
all shook down
She don’t do dance
and she don’t do us
the black and white blues
oh yeah I got’em in color
The fifth gripping week
an absolute might
one of the years
best in sight
they throw us trunks/drunk
says we’re starting to drown
we’re all shook down down
all shook down down
all shook down down
all shook down down
Praises they sing
a register rings
one of the time
that nobody brings
Praises they sing
shake my hand as I drown
all shook down
(down down)
all shook down down
all shook down down
(down down)
all shook down down
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