What a rotten day
This turned out to be
I still can’t believe
She’d leave so easily
She just got all her things
Threw them into a pile
Then she loaded her car
And said, After awhile
She’d done this before
But this time she didn’t cry
That’s why I’m sitting on the front steps
Staring down the road
Wondering if she’ll come back
This time I don’t know
And after she packed
When she looked back
There were no tears in her eyes
And that’s got me worried
Thinking maybe my baby’s
Gotten good at goodbye
All the times before
She’d break down and cry
She’d make her threats
But her heart wasn’t set on goodbye
She just wanted me to hear
What she had to say
Now I’m lost for words
Since she went away
She may not return
For this time she didn’t cry
Chorus 2X
I'm out of the forest I'm out of the wilds I'm out of the forest…
I followed you to killer's creek on motorcycle The streets were fast and filled with…
I can walk on fire, it ain't stoppin' me It's just showin' me the way…
A demon in my blood In a dark crimson urge Chained down like a dog…
Behind the dark walls dark secrets hide in the shadows An coil presence in the…
Written by - Mike Pickering, Paul Heard, Heather Small My Spring and Summer, Autumn Winter…
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