Where do you draw the line?
What else has to happen?
Stay away from our women and children.
Don’t keep quiet. You have to shout out loud to be heard.
On the edge of forever you’ll fall
I’m here when you’re watching the sky
The oceans of life, the lord of it all
Hopes and dreams on which will you rely
When you’re closer I’m down in my dreams,
nothing better, again you fall
flashes on my T.V. screen
stories never told
Fly, fly, some of us will fly
Some others know the reasons why
Fly, fly , over to the sky
Perception of your life
Don’t be afraid, what’s there in the dark
Be afraid of what it hides
Life is a dream, not what it seems,
up from the ashes for the obscene
For a moment, words in my mouth
someone told me to stay,
they go unspoken, I hold my tongue
my mind gets in the way
Perception of my life
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