Please don’t cry
You know I’m leaving here tonight
Before I go I want you to know that there will always be a light
And if the moon had to runaway
And all the stars didn’t wanna play
Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day
The wind will soon blow it all away, ya
So many times I planned
To be much more than who I am
And if I let you down I will follow you ’round until you understand
That if the moon had to runaway
And all the stars didn’t wanna play
Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day
The wind will soon blow it all away, ya, oh ya
When the days all feel the same
Don’t feel the cold or wind or rain
Everything will be okay
We will meet again one day
And I will shine on, for everyone
So please don’t cry
Although I leave you here this night
Where I go how far I don’t know
But I will always be your light
That if the moon had to runaway
And all the stars didn’t wanna play
Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day
The wind will soon blow it all away, ya, oh ya
When the days all seem the same
Don’t feel the cold or wind or rain
Everything will be okay
We will meet again one day
I will shine on, for everyone
Shine on, for everyone
When the stars all look the same
Don’t feel the cold or wind or rain
Everything will be okay
We will meet again one day
I will shine on, for everyone
Shine on, for everyone
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