[verse 1]
Some people believe that the sky is the highest thing in life, but i
Believe it’s just the highest thing they’ve seen
Well you better believe there’s someone beyond that big blue thing
And he’s the biggest, greatest thing, the biggest, greatest thing i’ve
Never seen
[verse 2]
Now it’s been said there’s nothing deeper than the ocean’s deep
But could it be that’s just too far for the human mind to think?
Well i know someone more itelligent than words can speak
And he’s the biggest, greatest thing, the biggest, greatest thing i’ve never seen
The moral of the story is
That there’s someone that’s
Definitely bigger, greater than your mind could think
I know that you were wondering if everything we’re saying here is make believe, but it’s reality
And if you look around he’s everywhere to be found
Cuz he’s the biggest, greatest thing, the biggest, greatest thing i’ve never seen
I know one day i’ll see his face man, then i can’t wait
He is here and he is going to take me back home He is here…
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