You’ve got yourself a-in a fine mess now, Charlene
you’re either absolutely mad or you are joking, Charlene
Charlene, I’m crying
so close to you, darling
we’re naked and laughing
you shine on my battery, Charlene
I have always adored your witty mouth, Charlene
now would you please be very very rude to them, Charlene
Charlene I’m crying
so close to you darling
we’re naked and laughing
you shine on my battery, Charlene
Let me get you out of that lake, Charlene
your dress is red and oh so slippery, Charlene
I guess I have to dry you
dress you and comb you
you’re already late
I’ll sort you out
Charlene, I’m crying
so close to you darling
we’re naked and laughing
you shine on my battery, Charlene
If you like my body touch me Touch me, touch me, touch me Touch me,…
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