Everybody come down to the mall, yeah!
It’s a party, come on! (Everybody)
Instant Party, when you’re at the mall yeah!
Everybody come on (Instant Party)
Just add (you) into the mix
And we’re all set to go!
Friends and fashion, food and fun
You know we told you so (Instant Party)
There’s some fun for everyone
Tons of stuff to see!
Scores of stores to choose from
Anything you please (Instant Party)
Here you’ll meet all kinds of folks
From near and far away!
Rides to ride, new things to try
And lots of games to play (Instant Party)
Hey everybody, come out and dance
Put you hands together for the band
Yeah… That’s right… Sing along
We can do almost anything
Like run around the place!
Sit and watch the people go by
Making funny faces (Instant Party)
Everybody come on (Instant Party) Everybody come on!
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