I pray once more for an awesome flood,
Cleanse this world drowned in Heaven’s blood
Retribution pissing from the sky,
All infection soon purified
Purify all the ugliness that I see,
All of hatred’s animosity
Water breaking Mother Nature’s womb,
give birth to cleanse this gaping wound
Rain – rain – let your vengeance rain down on me
No race, no faith, no-one will be saved,
World extinction, flooded floating grave
Serenity’s dying dove of peace,
Our requiem, our symphony
No more war, no hate nor genocide,
Nothing will stop this ever rising tide
Showers of glass rain down from above,
Mass homicide defines pure love
Let your vengeance rain down on me,
Let the Heavens bleed, Let your vengeance rain down on me
kanarım kaderimden sıyrılırım firardayım çözülür içimde sevgin ben yanarım bu hazan gecelere ağlarım taşarım ah…
Başka başka hallere girme gerek yok İnsan iki gözün gördüğü kadar Allanıp pullanmış lafların faydası…
Shuffle Your Feet Time won't save our souls Time won't save our souls Time won't…
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.. ben gidiyorum artık bırak beni istemiyom gelmeni bekliyorum evet senin siktir olup gitmeni özlesende…
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