Unutulmuş birer birer
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Unutulmuş isimlerde
Bilinmez ki nasıl, nerde
Şimdi yalnız resimlerde
Eski dostlar, eski dostlar
Biz aşkla başı dönmüş iki çocuk Bütün bir bahar o çiçek ben yaprak Yarabbi ne…
You say that you don't know me and you couldn't if you tried and your…
by Shawn Colvin All the happy couples on their way to New Orleans Reminding me…
[Music: Vanargandr, Lyric: Vanargandr] På vigrids slette en kjølig natt hviler der en tåke tett…
Hey, hey cowboy, hey cowboy Ain't I seen you hanging around the Nashville? Didn't you…
I watched the sun come up on Portland I waved goodbye to all my friends…
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