Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

3rd and the Mortal, The – Sorrow

I had a dream in earlier days

loved by the one my Heart desired

Then it all started to fade away

Our love, once so strong,

flowed through our hands

Human so helpless, what could we do

I could but watch him walk out of my life

Oh, my Heart, why art Thee weak,

Oh, my Heart, how deep art Thy wounds

Thou who thought that love was life

Thou who thought that love never dies

Cry out Thy sorrow

and seek to heal

Cry out Thy sorrow

and try to forgive

He that promised worlds unseen

He that caused Thy pain unreal

How could Thou believe his words

How could Thou believe his love

Cry out Thy Sorrow

and seek to heal

Cry out Thy Sorrow

and try to forget

I had a dream in earlier days

loved by the one my Heart desired


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