I stand above the norm
Reptile in human form
With jaded eyes I look upon
The rest of you with scorn
For all that I can see
A world of enemies
And mindless flocks of easy prey
The catalyst for my needs
I bring the secrets of the grave
It’s yours to keep if you choose to follow me
Just close your eyes and the last thing that you’ll feel
A ravenous kiss of steel
The beauty of an opened ribcage
It’s close to reverie
I give thanks to this dirty cunt
She gave her heart to me
Prepare the skin and work the flesh
With knives, meathooks and razorblades
These are the precious tools I use
For the art that I create
Her body now broken and cold to the touch
So perfect for me to embrace
The severed head kept, with which later I’ll play
When ripened into that condition I crave
Like three days fresh from the grave
I dream of shattered bones and screams
A place where I am king
Where torn up bodies pose en masse
In erotic scenes of pain
The score of kills now match my age
A fine total of twenty-eight
An endless source of memories
For me to masturbate
A new toy strapped on bloodstained sheets
Inspirtation soon fills me
With a rusty bonesaw I conduct
The sweetest symphonies
Through all these years I’ve realized
The only time I feel alive
Is when all living things around me
Suffer and then die
I bring the secrets of the grave
It’s yours to keep if you choose to follow me
Just close your eyes and the last thing that you’ll feel
A ravenous kiss of steel
Her body now broken and cold to the touch
So perfect for me to embrace
The severed head kept, with which later I’ll play
When ripened into that condition I crave
Three days in passing and out comes my amour
To finally get just what she deserves
Bulging eyes staring and begging for more
So gag on my semen you dead fucking whore
Revelations so pure!
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Taishita kotoba wa mitsukaranain da Dakedo mo wakatta koto ga arunda Sugata wo kazareba kazaru…
I'm a poor boy born in a rut Some say my manners aint the best…
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