Gel gel hadi kaçma benden
Usandim bu kaprislerden
Seveceksen sev hadi gülüm
Tuzagina böyle düsmüsken
Korkuyordum korkmuyorum
Ah seni nasil istiyorum
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Gel artik saklama
Hiç beni böyle zorlama
Tutustum ben yaniyorum
Oynama benle oynama
Ah deli yarim bu ne hal
Askim oldun vay
Sevdigin yanina kar
Kizdirma of bu ne hal
Well, you told me you were sorry, when I needed your advice And I was…
f/ Pharoahe Monch [Styles talking] My life.. Pharoahe Monch.. Ayatollah.. Holiday Styles.. Double R.. Rawkus…
You want the world to buy your happiness Ain't it a shame you have to…
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ani't the sharpest tool…
Ohhhh, I was lying in the bed with fever And I was, burning up inside…
Heeey heeey Heeey, hey hey. Heeey heeey Heeey, hey hey! Party time woo! Gimme the…
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