Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Ringo Starr – Fading in Fading Out

Life is fast, life is strange

Every breath is filled with happiness or pain

The story goes till you reach the end

Why give up when there’s a chance to start again?

How many times do we need to hear it?

There’s a light out there, no need to fear it

Fading in, fading out, isn’t that what life’s about?

First you’re here, then you’re gone

Still the world goes on and on

But that’s all right, I’m here right now

It takes so long sometimes to figure out

Fading in and fading out

Lightening strikes and shines so bright

But when it’s gone, we’re never left without the light

But I believe there’s more than this

It all can’t be just show biz

Fading in, fading out, isn’t that what life’s about?

First you’re here, then you’re gone

Still the world goes on and on

But that’s all right, I’m here right now

It takes so long sometimes to figure out

Fading in and fading out

Tell me, why we’re here?

All we really need is love

And when I disappear

I pray that I have left enough

Fading in, fading out, isn’t that what life’s about?

First you’re here, then you’re gone

Still the world goes on and on

But that’s all right, I’m here right now

It takes so long sometimes to figure out

Fading in and fading out

All we really need is love

Fading in and fading out

All we really need is love

Fading in and fading out

All we really need is love

Fading in and fading out


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