Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Charlie Daniels Band, The – Jesus Is the Light of the World

On a clear night, many many years ago

Two weary strangers moving slow

Were looking for a place to stay

But there was no place

Though they traveled many miles

So Mary being great with Child

Lay down on the sweet smelling hay.

Then a bright light fell from heaven

As a special star shone bright

And three wise men from a foreign land

Came to worship him that night

And in the clear night you could hear the angels sing

Praises to the newborn King

Jesus is the light of the world.

And the angels heralding the Holy Birth

Were singing Peace to men on Earth

Unto you is born a Son

And the shepherds

Though they had their flocks to tend

Journeyed unto Bethlehem

To behold the Holy One

And then the Boy grew up to be a Man

Come to set the captives free

Come to heal the sick and raise the dead

And to cause the blind to see

And the best part is even though

He’s gone away

He’ll be coming back someday

Jesus is the Light of the world.

And the best part is even though

He’s gone away

He’ll be coming back someday

Jesus is the Light of the world.

Jesus is the Light of the world.


is the Light

of the world.


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