Never should rush into things. Shouldn’t spill the wine before its time. Wait and see what fortune brings. Waste away till you can’t see the signs. Always taught to play it safe. Wouldn’t stick your neck out if you could. Everything is in its place. Might as well be chiseled out of wood. And your time’s running thin. It’s slipping through your fingers. With your chance to begin. Forever again. Don’t know what you’re waiting for. Don’t need a reservation just to live. You might be expecting more. But you won’t get more than you have to give. And that’s just the way i is. Everyday it rains somewhere. You’ve got to make the best of what you have. You could tie a train out there. You better get some sunshine while you can. But you’ve heard this before. It’s ancient information. Just walk through the door. It’s not that complicated. (REPEAT CHORUS)
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