Ev’ry kiss, ev’ry hug
Seems to act just like a drug
You’re getting to be a habit with me
Let me stay in your arms
I’m addicted to your charms
You’re getting to be a habit with me
I used to think your love
Was something that I
Could take or leave alone
But now, I couldn’t do
Without my supply
I need you for my own
I just can’t break away
I must have you every day
As regularly as coffee or tea
You’ve got me in your clutches,
And I can’t get free
You’re getting to be a habit with me
You’re getting to be a habit with me
You’re getting to be a habit with me
I used to think your love
Was something that I
Could take or leave alone
But now, I couldn’t do
Without my supply
I need you for my own
I just can’t break away
I must have you every day
As regularly as coffee or tea
You’ve got me in your clutches
And I can’t get free
You’re getting to be a habit
You’re getting to be a habit with me
Can’t break it
You’re getting to be a habit with me
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