all united, all as one, let’s make a stand we’ve got a privilege in the power that we command so let’s not drown in ignorance and let our strenght waste away as the richest nation in the world, we’ve got a responsibility. vieques, puerto rico, a protectorate — of the U.S.A. part a home to native families, the rest… a navy bombing range! shells misfired kill civilians there, and napalm hangs in the island air but the government beats down protests against this misuse. so… stand up! fight back! resist-refuse! cause if we don’t do it, no one’s going to so… stand up! fight back! resist-refuse! cause if we don’t do it, no one’s going to i look into the eyes, of a dead island boy’s face his (eyes) remind me of another’s, from different time and place where a-bombs baked the ground, on bikini’s tropical lands where a culture was erased, families misplaced, by a nazi-esque like plan! all done, in your name, by uncle Sam so if we don’t fight it – then we’re guilty too! so… stand up! fight back! resist-refuse! cause if we don’t do it, no one’s going to i think it’s ’bout time that we had a change i think it’s ’bout time that we make a change…
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