It’s one am
And he’s still not in
you wonder when enough’s enough
‘Cause this ain’t new
But what do you do
When you can’t help who you love
So you drive to town
And you ask around
Scared of what you’re thinking of
Has he been hurt
Has be been with her
‘Cause you can’t help who you love
You hear the voices calling
As you walk among the fallen and betrayed
And you know it’s gonna break you
Still you follow where it takes you anyway
‘Cause you ain’t got no say
It’s a long ride home
When you’re all alone
‘Cause you can’t help who you love
You hear the voices calling
As you walk among the fallen and betrayed
And you knkow it’s gonna break you
Still you follow where it takes you anyway
‘Cause you ain’t got no say
You should leave
But I believe
You can’t help who you love
You can’t help who you love
The chimes of time ring out the news, another day is through, Someone slipped and…
You see the face on the TV screen coming at you every Sunday see that…
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Nedir bu acelen hayrola Yangından kaçar gibi Ardına bakmadan gitmek varmı deli etme beni Nereye…
Ain't it funny, I haven't seen you in years And all those tears I cried,…
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