Yarum basma çimena
Bulurler izumuzi
Karişelum dumana
Yitti sansunler bizi
Oy beni dertler beni
Tulum eldurdi beni
Bulamadum hemşinde oy
Gönlümce bir seveni
Evvel gonca gül idun
Şimdi sarardun soldun
Bana yar olmadun da oy
Ele kul köle oldun
Oy puşili sevduğum
Aldi beni bi darluk
Gülmedi yuzumuza
Ander kalsun sevdaluk
They never said it was ok they never let me know that I was alright…
Whatch-you gonna do when it all breaks down? Take another heart through this lonely town?…
with rocks in my dress and smoke in my hair I walked into a lake…
50 Cent (Olivia) Intro- Yeah.. 50.. Olivia.. We Both Think Alike.. (We Both Think Alike)…
Lyrics: Daryl Hall, John Oates Music: Daryl Hall Got a good education now And I'm…
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