(Will Jennings/Stephen Allen Davis)
Everytime I feel how life goes by
I recall the scenes that never die
One fine day
One fine night
You loving me
On and on and on
We took our love as far as love can go
You’ve given me the best years of my life
When I play my memories again
I feel all the pleasure and the pain
Love can hurt
Love can heal
Oh, how we hurt and healed ourselves again
We took our souls as far as souls can go
You’ve given me the best years of my life
You’ve given me the best years of my life
Bring on the storm
We’ll see it through
We’ll take it all
All life can do
Right to the end
We’ll say let’s begin
You’ve given me the best years of my life
I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you
You’ve given me the best years of my life
I wanna thank you
For the best years of my life
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