I wanna be dirty cuz i don’t about the clothes I wear I’ll be dirty on the street to feel alive it makes me feel alive when i’m dirty i feel clean Clean in my head every inch of me is covered with everything said So give in to the dirty fingers So give in to the dirty streets So give in to the dirty people So give in to the filth So give in
I'd rather be a dreamer with a penny Than a rich man with a worried…
Elimden tut Sensiz karanlıklardan çok korkuyorum Yalnızlığın soğuk mevsiminde hep üşüyorum Çok zulmettim kendime Beni…
Operators are standing by Smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee Bounce their shoes at the end…
Geçsede zaman unutamam seni o güzel gözlerini Ne olur arada bir görebilsem seni tutabilsem elini…
back then we wished that we were older waiting for the summer everything was new,…
Here's a picture of your lonely Fridays Turned to nothing on a Friday night Firecracker…