I wanna be dirty cuz i don’t about the clothes I wear I’ll be dirty on the street to feel alive it makes me feel alive when i’m dirty i feel clean Clean in my head every inch of me is covered with everything said So give in to the dirty fingers So give in to the dirty streets So give in to the dirty people So give in to the filth So give in
1,2,3,4 Your radio is playing rather loud It don't sound like me Your attitude seems…
Yo te quiero tanto y aun no lo sabes yo te quiero tanto tierra de…
Let's lock in the date, When we can do this all again, I'll be there,…
Exit the light, into the night As warm of darkness takes form Mind eating serpent…
Space cadet, pull out. Space cadet, pull out. Space cadet.... pull out.
From the New Zealand movie "Channelling Baby" If gravity let us go We would all…