(Beer) Made from malted barley and cereal, grains, and hops
(Beer) We hate liquor especially peach (yeah, ok)……
(Beer) Beers the only thing for me it turns the yellow into clear pee
(Beer) It tastes so smooth going down
But if I drink too much I fall to the ground
Need more Beer
Let’s go get some Beer
Need some now
I believe what you say when you say you're goin' steady with nobody else but…
Hiç kimse sen değil yar Tadıdır acının sonbahar Hiçbir aşk böyle değil yar Bırakmıyor hatıralar…
Drawing back the curtains Sluggish city daylight in the afternoon Here's that special silence Just…
Çaresizim içime akar tüm gözyaşlarım Kıyılara vurmuşum Boşluğa savrulmuşum Kendime el olmuşum Dokunmayın ağlarım.. Ben…
Without the mustard You got no flavor Is that the kind of sandwich You would…
(Track 14 on "Dizzy Mizz Lizzy") Lookin' out that window for my old mind and…