I say: To be living brings me down
In a way, I’m what you call a pimp
Soap won’t wash away your shame
I’ll sell, whatever there’s to be sold
In hell, I’d sell my own poor soul
Where are you going with that mask I found you
You’re running through the world
Thinking only about tomorrow
In your dreams, I’ll do all the things you say
Your guess, is just as good as mine
But no, I cannot justify your ways
Take care, cause hurtable as hell
I wear, I wear the hardest shell
Daybreak, you’re returning
And I know that you want to play
When I see the sun going down
The eyes in my head, see the world spinning around
She´s all geared up Walking down the street I can feel her slime Looking down…
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[Mad Skillz] Uhh.. nine-five shizzot, in the hizzouse Uh what nigga? Tch, uhh, uhh, uhh..…