I am made of dirt and string and old forgotten things. I came in and I’ll go out upside down. Try to keep my head high, eyes to the sky. Never to forget the blood spilled on the ground. I swear I’ll remember. Everything seems prettier than ever now. I’m going down. Jaded eyes see the sky. Tired legs carry on. Jaded eyes see this sky open up on me don’t care if I live or if I die. I swear I’ll remember. Everything seems prettier than ever now. I aint going down. No more light. No more lies. But still this taste of mockery, it lies down whats in front of me. I’m kicking, still swinging. I’m headed nowhere because nowhere is my
Bir iki dert dert üstüne dert Bir iki dert dert üstüme dert Aşk üstüme aşk…
your selfish mission builds walls i am set to destroy you breach the lines of…
L'Italiano Laciatemi Cantare Con La Chitarre In Mano Laciatemi Cantare Sono Un Italiano Buongiorno Italia,…
Here I am standing, barely with one foot on the ground Balance is lost it…
The car in front follows the long way around Prey moves Predator moves Foreshortened angels…
girerim ateşLere her yanım yanar keserim bedenimi her yanım kanar düşerim yüksekLerden her yanım acır…