I know I’ll forgive you
if you’d only take some blame, yeah yeah
cos I’m not looking for revenge
I’m just tired of this game, yeah
it’s gone beyond, who’s right or wrong
what’s done is done, but
too many things were left unsaid
and if not for peace of mind
at least I’ll know, I tried I tried
to make things right
Say you’re sorry
just say sorry
and I’ll say I’m sorry too
say you’re sorry
if I mean anything to you
I can hear you thinking
you can’t hide behind that smile, no
cos I can see it’s all pretence
when I look into your eyes, yeah
the situation can’t go on
we’ve hurt too long
I know it’s hard to find the words
if only you’d trust in me
say what you feel inside inside
forget your pride
Say you’re sorry
just say sorry
and I’ll say I’m sorry too
say you’re sorry
if I mean anything to you
Say you’re sorry
just say sorry
and I’ll say I’m sorry too
say you’re sorry
if I mean anything
Say you’re sorry
just say sorry
and I’ll say I’m sorry too
say you’re sorry
if I mean anything to you
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