I’ve seen the opposition
I’ve seen what they call clout
I’ve seen some days when I should have just stayed down for the count
I choose my battles, I fought ’til I was done
I used to do it alone but now I’m not the only one
I’ve been in trouble so many time before
I’ve took on all the shit ’til I couldn’t take no more
I bear my burden, alone it weighs a ton
I used to go it alone but now I’m not the only one
Burn me a fire in the reptile house In the colour and the carnage fall…
Morning smiles like the face of a newborn child innocent unknowing Winter's end promises of…
İçimdeki meleklerin esiri oldum baştan Ne yaptım ne ettiysem sonrası inan aşktan Her savaş bir…
I'm not what you think I am I'm anything but the picture you've taken If…
You get a shiver in the dark It's raining in the park but meantime South…
Into You (CDJ/Mary Danna/Shaye Smith) If he doesn't call when he says he'll call Or…