Damn good Mr. Jam
Hoping to be the pig I am
The pig I want to be
The pig I’ve always been
Subscribe to my church
I’m damn good Mr. Jam
I’m damn good Mr. Jam
Phyllis the pretty Philadelphia
Anybody can get nothing free
Trained her monkey boy
Tripped on luggage for the money
??Handout?? for money
??Handout?? for money
Money man
Slippery man
Toasted man
Anything for free x 11
You've been gone so long that I don't know how to welcome you, when you…
Anne olmak vardı hayatın çıkmazlarında Kol kanat germek yavrusuna en sarsıntılı anlarında Gerekirse kolunuda kanadınıda…
Lights fade, all is shade Zombies stalk the promenade This is promise of eternity Piles…
First I tolf to myself there was no more than the sound Of the wind…
Suyun derinliği aynıydı Ama senin beline benimse omuzlarıma geliyordu Bütün yapraklar sararıp düşecekti Ama ilk…