You live so much, its like you’re dying
You can’t give up, you’re body’s trying
You build so tall its like you’re flying
But rocks will fall; the sky keeps climbing
You’re gonna lose everything
How does it feel
I’m not scared so much of trying
But don’t look up you might start flying
You’re gonna lose everything
How does it feel
Oh know
What I want to know is how does it feel
You’re gonna lose everything
How does it feel
You live so much, its like you’re dying
You can’t give up, you’re body’s trying
You build so tall its like you’re flying
But rocks will fall; the sky keeps climbing
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In the mist of the night you faded away. Like a star you fell from…
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While we float on this molten sea we wear our colours so heroically Were only…
Ağasarın balını da gel salını salını Adam cebinde taşır senin gibi gelini Uy asiye asiye…